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Unveiling the Beauty of Borneo Heights: A Celebration of Bidayuh Culture and Tourism

In a dazzling display of unity and cultural richness, the Persatuan Bidayuh Penrissen (Penrissen Bidayuh Association) recently launched the "Borneo Heights Destination" magazine, a testament to the vibrant tapestry of the Bidayuh community and the breath-taking tourist destinations in the region. The event was graced by by Yang Berhormat Datuk Dr. Jerip Anak Susil (N.19 Mambong) other prominent Bidayuhs were also present, showcasing their commitment to economic development and fostering a strong sense of community among the Bidayuh people.

The Purpose Behind the Magazine:

The primary goal of the "Borneo Heights Destination" magazine is to shine a spotlight on the exotic tropical tourist products and destinations that make Borneo Heights a hidden gem. With an eye on both local and international audiences, the magazine aims to promote the region's unique attractions, drawing in tourists eager to explore the wonders of Borneo.

Bengoh Dam: A Jewel in the Crown:

Among the highlighted destinations is the picturesque Bengoh Dam and its surrounding areas, including the charming Bidayuh Kampung. The magazine offers a glimpse into the natural beauty and cultural heritage of these locales, enticing travellers seeking an authentic and immersive experience. The Bidayuh people, known for their warm hospitality, are eager to welcome visitors to share in the richness of their traditions.

Promoting Economic Development and Community Bonding:

Beyond the allure of tourist destinations, the Penrissen Bidayuh Association's initiative serves a dual purpose. While promoting economic development through tourism, it also fosters a strong sense of community among the Bidayuh people in the area. The launch event featured prominent Bidayuh leaders, emphasizing the collective effort to uplift the community and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

Showcasing Bidayuh Artistry:

In addition to the natural wonders, the "Borneo Heights Destination" magazine also showcases the artistic prowess of the Bidayuh community. Native handicrafts such as intricate beadwork for necklaces and arm rings, handwoven durable baskets and handbags, as well as locally made biscuits, take centre stage. This not only adds to the allure of the region but also provides a platform for local artisans to display their talents and generate income.

Government Support:

The success of this initiative is further underscored by the steadfast support of the Sarawak State Government. Their endorsement highlights the significance of community-led initiatives in driving economic growth and cultural preservation. With the government's backing, the "Borneo Heights Destination" magazine is poised to reach a global audience, putting Borneo Heights on the map as a must-visit destination.


The launch of the "Borneo Heights Destination" magazine marks a pivotal moment for the Bidayuh community and the Borneo Heights region. By combining the allure of natural wonders, cultural richness, and artistic expression, this initiative not only promotes tourism but also fosters economic development and community bonding. As the magazine finds its way into the hands of eager travellers, it opens the door to a world of exploration, inviting all to discover the hidden treasures of Borneo Heights.

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