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Handing over grant for PUBP

Dated : 18 November 2017

Entrepreneur association says Terima Kasih to
YB Datuk Dr Jerip Susil

Pic below showing Transportation Assistant Minister Datuk Dr Jerip Susil (centre) handing over a cheque of RM20,000 to Persatuan Usahawan Bidayuh Penrissen (PUBP) at the Bilik Mesyuarat 2, Aras 3, State Legislative Assembly in Petra Jaya here, recently.
PUBP was represented by yours truly (right), who is also it's secretary, and Wilson Mapus to receive the cheque.

The grant was meant for PUBP to fund some of its activities, including a proposed One-Day Business Start-Up seminar for young and budding entrepreneurs, planned for next year.
Yours Truly, on behalf of Persatuan Usahawan Bidayuh Penrissen (PUBP) Exco Committee members, would like to convey the association's gratitude and appreciation to Datuk Dr Jerip Susil for kindly extending the grant.

YB Datuk Dr Jerip, who is also Mambong assemblyman, is actually also the patron of PUBP.
PUBP, set up about a year ago, hopes to provide a platform for both budding and existing Bidayuh entrepreneurs in Mambong to get connected and be counted.

written by : Aden Nagrace
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